Day 8

A Song That You Know All the Words To:

Hath: The Gambler - Kenny Rogers

Well, it's no fair picking ANYTHING from the Jovi Catalog...that's just a given. But this song --- I LOVED this song when I was a kid. Still can't help singing it when it comes up on the 70's on 7 station on my Sirius XM Satellite Radio (lol).

And I adore The Muppet Show, so this is a bonus.  Besides, where else would you see muppets slugging whiskey and smoking?  Only in a post from Hath, that's where!

Catte: Paradise by the Dashboard Light - Meat Loaf
DUDE!  I LOVE this song!  Bat Out of Hell is perhaps the perfect Rock Album, IMO.  And this song is the most fun of the lot.  My buddy Danny and I even won a Karaoke Contest dueting to this a dozen or so years back.  I can sing every part and every harmony, but of course I WAIL on the Girl Part --  STOP RIGHT THERE!!!! I GOTTA KNOW RIGHT NOW....  I can even do the baseball play-by-play. :)

Kiwi- Two out of three ain't bad - Meatloaf
Yup another Meat song---one of my ALL time favourite songs ever and a popular drunken sing a long many a time to this one! 


Tara: The Tide Is High
This is one of those songs that I didn't even KNOW I knew the words to. Until I was singing it top volume in my car WITH the window rolled down in a traffic jam and a guy was right next to me---of course I was oblivious and he yells, "Sing it baby!" Mortification and the lyrics burned into memory--that's Blondie for ya.

Queenie: Rockstar - Nickelback

Yep, I'm an in-the-car-sing-along-with-the-radio kind of girl and I admit, I love this song and know each and every word...

Wils: Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
"Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?" I love this song and Freddy Mercury was just a musical genius! This is absolutely a turn it up in the car, sing it at the top of your lungs (in a bar with your best girlfriends) kinda song!!

11 Response to "Day 8"

  1. TaraLeigh says:

    Love the selection girls!
    This is still crazy fun.

    Bayaderra says:

    *blush* most of ABBA songs...
    Well, in my defence..I grew up listening to them since ABBA was pretty much the only Western Music group allowed behind the iron curtain.
    And of course "Diamond Ring"!

    LMAO, Tara -- I did the same windows-down-belting-at-the-top-of-my-lungs thing with Rick Springfield's Jessie's Girl... right next to a cop cruiser.

    They were amused. I was embarrassed as hell. :)

    TaraLeigh says:

    LOL S'okay, Bay..I've loved quite a few ABBA songs. LOL

    Ooh. I know all the words to that one too, Cate! LOL
    Yep--I was embarrassed because one needs to hear me sing. LOL

    Renee says:

    Mine are "Rockstar" and "Afternoon Delight".

    Man, there are so many!! I wish that learning facts and formulae was as easy as lyrics.

    The blast-out-of-the-speakers, turn-it-up-to-11, sing-as-loudly-as-possible song for a road trip as to be Bat Out of Hell - Meat Loaf. Awesome stuff.

    Cherish by the Association. Loved everyone's selections!

    Anonymous says:

    Turn the Page by Bob Seger


    Anonymous says:

    "Sacrifice" Elton John. I credit my wonderful father for instilling in me the importance of good music. I learnt all I know from him and grew up listening to Elton amongst others. I remember sitting at the piano pretending to be Elton when I was a kid...shame I didn't learn to play like him tho.

    Anonymous says:

    "The Pony Man" by Gordon Lightfoot. Not only do I just love the song, but singing along with it, over & over, was the only way my goddaughter would go to sleep some nights when she was a baby.

    Genie P

    Amanda says:

    Bohemian Rhapsody-Queen

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