Day 16

A Song You Used to Love But Now Hate:

Catte: Who Says You Can't Go Home - Bon Jovi

Sorry Boys, but it's just NOT Alright anymore.  I really did like this song once upon a time.  Honest, I did.  But you've killed it for me.  Permanent "skip" in the iPod rotation and time for me to reload camera batteries/check Tweets during concerts.  *sigh*

Queenie: Who Says You Can't Go Home - Bon Jovi

Dammit Catte you took mine, but I'm using it anyway. Way overplayed on the radio and in concert. Catte's right, it's not Alright anymore...

And what is with this video with the guy dressed like a dog?  I don't get it...

Wils: Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland

I've just heard too many "divas" think they can out-sing Judy Garland on this one and that has just ruined this song for me.

Hath: Who Says -- Bon Jovi
Who Says is a good one Catte & Q -- I think I have to go with that, though I don't hate it, I'm just REALLY tired of it. I can't think of a song that I used to like but don't anymore. My musical tastes haven't really changed that much -- if I like something I like it. Maybe I'll think on it some more, but I dont' think I'll come up with anything :)

Kiwi - I'm tellin you - Jennifer Hudson
I loved this when I first saw it, and thought the emotion just poured out of this song in general, but now it grates on my every nerve. LOL Too many people have tried to do it and sound awful, and all I hear is screaming now and drives me CRAZY

3 Response to "Day 16"

  1. Bayaderra says:

    I'm with you girls! Who Says is sooooooo over done!!!! The only time I enjoyed it this tour was at Mohegan Sun show and only because of Lorenza!

    Anonymous says:

    I'm jumping on the wagon too. Who Says used to be a favourite but its been done waaaay too much. Total overkill for me, sorry guys, but give it a rest for a while would ya?

    Amanda says:

    Overplay can kill a lot of songs! I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack is one that I really liked when it first came out and now I want to blow up the radio everytime it comes on.

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