Day 11

A Song From Your Favorite Band:

Hath: Nightinggale -- Yanni

PSYCH!   lol

C'mon, you've gotta be shitting me. I have to pick just ONE? Well, I went with NSG for Day 1 so I can't pick that. Gotta go with Blood on Blood. Or Little bit of Soul. Or Blame it on the Love of Rock-n-Roll. Or This Ain't a Love Song. Or... Or... Or...

No, I've got it. A specific song from a specific show from my favorite band. "Any Other Day" from the O2 on the LH tour. When our Richie came back to us. Most favorite performance of a song live EVER. EVER. Look who just got back...

Catte: In These Arms - Bon Jovi

Witty commentary..... I got Nothin'.  Except to say that I LOVE this song, and I love the video even more.  Jon's little Elvis lip-curl near the end.  Richie's Rose Jeans and long, lush RockStar hair.  Jonny crawling on the floor to that lucky, LUCKY girl beckoning him in.  And Sweet LORD, those black and white floral pants.  GAH!

Kiwi: You Can Sleep When I Dream Bon Jovi
Well OBVIOUSLY I would have picked Living in Sin, but I've used that so I thought I'd pick my next favourite.... that damn box-set---and it was hard to choose as I have a very close top ten on that thing but this song always makes me smile and it's so damn good. :) I nearly picked Last Chance Train *growl*.

Queenie: Last Man Standing - Bon Jovi

So today we had to pick a song from our favorite band. Do you realize how hard it is to pick just one?! It was a tough choice. Eeny, meeny, miney moe was never more difficult. LOL

I chose Last Man Standing... it's my favorite track from the Have a Nice Day album.

Wils: Runaway;
Like the other girls, it's impossible to pick just one... I mean, really. So I've chosen to go back to where it all began... April 20, 1984, American Bandstand. I was sitting in my parents living room and Dick Clark introduced this "new band that sounded like they're name is from France" and then David started playing that all familiar beginning and Jon turned around in those gold pants and ripped shirt and I was D*O*N*E.

Tara: These Arms Are Open All Night 
(Box Set Vers. Live at The Borgata)
I'll have to agree on the HOLY CRAP ONE? But I'll go with one of the most gut wrenching performances I've seen from him. This one little video at The Borgata and Jon was as wrecked as I was by the end of the song. Just WOW.

5 Response to "Day 11"

  1. Bayaderra says:

    ONE SONG!?!?!?!?!
    In These Arms with David on vocals!!!!!!

    One song??? Richie singing These Days at the Prudential center. I was crying like a baby during it. He sang with so much feeling and emotion. It was gutwrenching to watch and listen to him.

    Anonymous says:

    HOLY CRAP! ONE? Well I already used Wanted for day 1 so I'll choose "Bad Medicine" from the 02 in 2010 purely because I was in the pit standing right in front of Richie in the front row and the look he gave me (or maybe someone else) was pure SIN. Whenever I hear this song, I think of THAT look!

    Damn, this is me the odd one out again. As much as I love Bon Jovi, Motley Crue has always just pipped them. Kickstart My Heart takes the No.1 spot.

    Amanda says:

    Ok Hath, you had me concerned when I first opened this page! Just one...Every Beat Of My Heart from the Box Set. Just don't set that in stone! There are several others to close to clearly determine a true #1!

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