
What is Pornucopia you ask?
Just a little something that your favorite FF authors cooked up to entertain you.
Most of us made a post, so if you're looking for a way to heat up a holiday weekend, then look no further.

C'mon over to the site and see what's cookin'.


In Honor of Black Friday...

Wild Jovis couldn't drag me out shopping on Black Friday.

But I do love to shop on any other day of  the year, by any means -- in person, online, or by catalog. *coughKENNETHCOLEcough*  I get a silly grin on my face every time I open the mailbox to find another pretty catalog full of pretty things that I can drool over.  Sometimes I get a good laugh, too.

Like today.

Around the holidays I get those goofy catalogs full of novelty crap.  You know the kind, full of stuff nobody ever NEEDS but you end up buying something from it anyway because it has the PERFECT item for so-and-so?  Well, today I got one that was chock-full of Fictionista Duds.  It took me about 2 minutes to find a perfect tee for every danged one of us.

Wanna see?

First off, given our hobbies, this one is for ALL the Fictionistas:

And there's a little something for everyone:





And since it's my blog post.... I get two.  I think the others will agree these both fit me pretty well. 

Oh, and one more thing, for those of you we run into on the road....

Let the Holiday Madness commence!

Have a Fabulous ChristmaHannuKwanzivus!!!!

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