Day 10

A Song that Makes You Fall Asleep:

Hath: Puff the Magic Dragon - Peter, Paul, and Mary (shut up)

Any lullabye-ish song will do it for me, but for some reason, the tale of little Jackie Paper sends me to snoozy-town. It gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling and the music is sooo soothing. As is Mommy's voice -- one of the best out there. RIP Mary Travers.

Catte:  Kissed by an Angel - David Bryan

Well, it doesn't exactly MAKE me fall asleep, but it certainly gives me sweet dreams.  I love, love LOVE David's solo album.  It's been my daughter's goodnight music ever since she was a wee Baby Cattelet.  *sigh* Just beautiful and sweet and soothing.

Tara: Bastille Day - John Tesh
I sleep to all sorts of music. There was a time that I COULDN'T sleep unless there was some sort of music around me. Around that time I used to have a lot of sleepovers with a college girlfriend because we were in every class together and we both drove into schoool - That and she wanted my mom for her very own. LOL. Well...she couldn't stand noise when she slept, but THIS album she could deal with. It's STILL a Pavlovian response. I hear this and I want to snuggle in bed. LOL

Queenie: Timeless - Jim Brickman

My other favorite keys player... Jim Brickman.  He is just amazing. I can't say this puts me to sleep, but it relaxes me so I can fall asleep.

Kiwi: Lullaby - Billy Joel
I love this guy---and I adore this song and totally is a bedtime song and a little sad lol.

Wils: Netherworld Waltz - David Bryan

I love listening to David's piano music, especially after I've had a particularly stressful day and I need to turn off my brain. The entire collection is wonderful and relaxing, but Netherworld Waltz is one of my favorites.

PS: Can I just say that I created my list without consulting Catte or looking at anyone else's choices. DAMMIT CATTE! Just cause you post faster it makes me look like a copycatte.... lol.

6 Response to "Day 10"

  1. Bayaderra says:

    I'm with Catte and Willow!!!! There is no better music to dream to!!!!

    I love the song itself, but "The Mosquito Song" by Queens of the Stone Age is a great one for me to fall asleep too

    Anonymous says:

    I'm with Catte, Willow and Bay, anything from Lunar Eclipse will make me fall asleep. Not because it's boring but because it's so relaxing. Anyone think David should do another album?

    Bayaderra says:

    Fred, his next solo album is WAAAAAY overdue if you ask me! But no one is asking me for some reason :(

    Renee says:

    My Sweet Lord by George Harrison

    Amanda says:

    Yanni-Dare To Dream Album--I use to listen to this at night when I was in high school and fall asleep to it. I can't quite remember which song was my favorite.

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