Day 2

Your Least Favorite Song:

Tara: Shiny Happy People
Michael Stipe, in general, makes me want to stab my ears with sharp instruments. But this one really does it.

Kiwi: Simply having a wonderful Christmas Time
Thankfully I only have to endure this once a year if I can help it. I seriously hate this song -- once it's in my head it never goes out... EVER......EVERRRRRRRRRR! * regrets listening to the YouTube to validate if it was the correct version* UGH! Sorry Sir Paul. #fail.

Wils: The One That You Love
Nothing makes me want to run screaming from the room more than hearing this song, or almost anything else by Air Supply. Unless it's "couples' skate" in 1981... please don't make me listen to it, ever.

Catte:  MMMBop


Hath: Never Gonna Give You Up -- Rick Astley


The ONLY thing that makes this video watchable is the pop-ups lol
LOVE VH1-s Pop-Up Video!

Queenie:  Come out and Play - Offspring
I cannot even emphasize exactly how much I CANNOT stand this song.  My loathing of this song comes from a vacation trip right after it came out on the radio.  Twelve hours in the car driving to Myrtle Beach, a week spent there and then another 12 hours driving home.  I must have suffered through this song a million times that week.  Every time we turned the radio on, this song was playing...

15 Response to "Day 2"

  1. TaraLeigh says:

    ROTF!! Man--we all came up with TOTALLY awesomely AWFUL songs. lol

    The christmas one makes me want to break a speaker in like EVERY department store during that season.

    MMBop is just pure evil.

    The Air Supply, that's a love hate for me. LOL!!

    Now, we just need Queenie and Hath to add in their updates.

    C'mon readers! Give us all your TERRIBLE goodness!

    Haha I used to LOVE MmBOP! LOL

    OMG some good choices there though---Air Supply? LMAO... yes!
    Shiny Happy People--I admit I used to love that song too! Ha! Not so much now.

    And yup my Xmas nightmare...god I hate that song.

    Bayaderra says:

    Again, I can't narrow it down to just one!!!
    How about one genre!?!?!?!
    As far as I'm concerned,Rap is NOT MUSIC!!!!! Its NOISE POLUTION!!!

    Renee says:

    I cannot stand that song "Send in the Clowns" and I equally hate "Both Sides Now". Listening to those two eternally would be my hell.

    Least favorite is HARD! I try and block them from my mind, so willing them to come back seems somehow... wrong. LOL!

    Um, first one that comes to mind is "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. His voice is whiny and I want to smack somebody about the third "you're beautiful".

    But that's just my opinion :o)

    Amanda says:

    You all make my day! This is too much fun. I know what you mean about "Simply Having..." I was actually having a wonderful Christmas time until that song came on--for sure one of the most horrible songs. Shiny Happy People-check! However, I am with Bayaderra on this-I can tolerate most anything but I have no use for rap music. I would probably have to add "I Started A Joke" by the Bee Gees as one of my least favorite songs of all time.

    Who Let the Dogs Out.


    LMAO @Bonnie. Now that damned song is stuck in my head. And @Renee, I remember learning "Both Sides Now" in music class in like 3rd grade. I know the whole thing. Want me to serenede you?

    ~ Hath

    What?? Rick Astley!! Annoying to get into your head, but rick rolling is awesome fun. That and the fact he's from 5 mins down the road, gotta love him =P

    Onto my worst song. I can't pick one! There's so many. Anything by Slipknot, or equally shouty/screamy bands. And then, other end of the scale, people who use autotune. And Justine Bieber! The list could go on and on

    If you want a bad song thats sweeping round the internets at the moment that is dire beyond belief, search for Rebecca Black - Friday.

    Anonymous says:

    This is harder than picking my favourite. Uh, I'm with Bay on rap, but would also like to add hip hop too.

    Anything by Celine Dion would also make me want to kill someone or something.

    Anonymous says:

    This one's easy "Because I got high" by Afroman - I had a friend who thought it was the coolest song... then one day I was at work (at a school) and the kids in the computer lab were playing music. I was so used to hearing the stupid song & tuning it out that I *almost* didn't catch on to what they were playing. Stupid song!

    I also hate any song by Little Richard and there is a gospel version (12 minutes) of Amazing Grace. I love the song, but hate that version.


    TaraLeigh says:

    Such GREAT replies everyone!
    Thanks so much for making this so fun!

    Us girls have been having a blast diving into YT to find all these gems.


    Anonymous says:

    without a second thought---
    Islands in the Stream by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers.

    Why that song ever got so mych airtime, I have no idea.


    Its a tie for me between Wind Beneath My Wings and the equally sappy My Heart Will Go On. Yuck(x2)

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