Day 28

A Song that Makes You Feel Guilty:

Hath: Cat's in the Cradle -- Harry Chapin

I've said "I'm too busy" when my son wants to play. I've said "later, we'll do it later" when he asks to watch a movie snuggled up with me. I've said "Not right now" when he's asked me to read to him. I hate that I can't devote every moment to him. I'm worried that he's going to remember "Mama was too busy to play when I was a kid." Make time for your kids/loved ones.

Wils: Baby Girl - Sugarland

I don't really do guilt, so this is a hard one for me. This is my song with my daughter (and also Brown Eyed Girl) and, while I believe I've always TRIED to do my best with her, I'm sure there are times when I've not told her I love her enough. But the fact is, I love her "more than anything in the world".

Catte:  Nada
I got nothin' for this one.  I don't listen to music to feel guilty, and I honestly can't remember EVER feeling guilty listening to any music or lyrics.  I know there have been a number of social issue songs out there (Man in the Mirror, Land of Confusion, Luka, American Skin (41 Shots), Bullet ), but they just don't make me feel guilty.  They may make me think, but not feel guilty.

Then you have all the "supergroup" singles to raise awareness of global tragedy or natural disaster.  This trend started back in 1984 with Sir Bob Geldof when he formed BandAid, the British/Irish SuperGroup-for-a-Day to record Do They Know It's Christmas? for charitable relief for famine-stricken Ethiopia.  Being all of 16 I remember thinking "what a cool idea" and "oh, those poor Ethiopians" for about a second, then being very VERY excited to hear Simon LeBon sing right after Bono and before Sting.  Then of course the U.S. had to jump on the Band-Wagon (pun intended) and do USA for Africa.  Then came the concerts - Live Aid, Farm Aid, Live Earth, et al.

The trend continues to this day, only now it seems that big-shot Rock Stars can't really be bothered to all get together and write an original song every time there is an earth-shaking catastrophe (and granted, there have been a LOT lately).  So they instead donate their songs to these All-Star Albums For (Insert city/country/region here).  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking these efforts in any way, shape, or form.  Any way celebrities can use their spotlight to help those in need, I'm fine with.  Even if it's convincing us to use a couple of our iTunes gift cards to download some music so a few dollars will go to the Red Cross.  But I just have a hard time feeling guilty when I'm listening to that music.  Fortunate, sure.  Grateful for what I have, absolutely. But I just can't muster guilt.

So I guess I'll just go with the GrandDaddy of them all, the song that really brought a fleeting moment of social awareness to kids my age when I was a 1980's teeny-bopper.  Maybe I should feel guilty for not feeling guilty.

Tara: Angel - Sarah McLachlan
I used to love this song beyond explanation. This was the song that I would long for at a Sarah show. Then the ASPCA took it and ruined it forever. LOL I can withstand pretty much anything on tv, except an animal in distress. HOLY CRAP, these commercials make me want to hand over my bank account to animals in need.
So, that's about as guilty as I get.

2 Response to "Day 28"

  1. Bayaderra says:

    Can't think of anything right now. Will touch back after work.

    Anonymous says:

    Guilty for liking it or guilty because of something I did? Well "Everlong" by Foo Fighters makes me feel guilty but I'm not going to tell you why, there are some people I don't want to know about what makes me guilty.

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