A Little About Hath

I"m 39, married, and petrified of falling.

So how do you think I feel about flying to Philly for a few days to hang out with mah girls? A heady mixture of terror and excitement. I can't really describe it other than to say...do you remember the first time that cute boy in high school came to your locker to talk to you? And maybe accidentally-on-purpose brushed your shoulder with his? And you got that feeling in the pit of your stomach that was part gurgle, part cramp, and your pulse raced and your blood seemed to thicken in your veins? It's kinda like that.

But, the flight is only an hour and a half, which means, I just have to get through Slippery and New Jersey, and I'll be back on the ground. I can handle that. The train was going to take me 6 hours and way more money -- hello? It costs $49 to fly and more than $200 to take the train. What's wrong with this picture?

I can NOT wait for February 25th. I am excited beyond belief to be doing something for myself, by myself. I have always been someone else's something. I've been "Eric's Wife" or "Jeffrey's Mommy" for so long that I fear I'm losing myself. Don't get me wrong; I love my husband and son, and would be lost without either of them. But once in a while, I have to take a step back and say to myself, "Self, you are a woman in your own right. Quit defining yourself by your relationships, and be YOU".

And thanks to my friendship with these extraordinary women, I am able to do that.

The first time Willow and I spoke IRL, it was to discuss payment for tickets for the second Boston show. I remember thinking, "she sounds great" and boy was I right :) When we met, it was in the lobby of a second-rate hotel in Boston. It was like we were long-lost college roommates or something. There was an instant, almost audible "click" when we met.

It was the same with The Fiction Mistress. When Willow and I picked her up at the airport, it was BOOM! Instant chemistry. We had a hell of a time, some of the best pizza on the planet, and shared a concert experience that was beyond belief.

I met Tara for about 20 seconds before the second Boston show, and I've never met Queenie IRL, but I've been reading their stories for so long, and even collaborated on a couple with Queenie, that I feel like I already know them.

To say I'm excited to spend several days together in a gorgeous house on the Jersey Shore with these women is an understatement.

I have a feeling I'm not going to want to leave.

3 Response to "A Little About Hath"

  1. TaraLeigh says:

    I gotta say, I'm excited as hell to spend some RL time with all of you! And--it's looking like that's totally going to happen!


    Bring on the fun, ladies! 21 days until the show and 23 days until the Fanfictionista's week.

    Queenie says:

    Hath, if we're sleeping together, you don't hog the covers do ya? LOL

    Can't wait to meet you IRL!!

    21 more days...

    lmao! Q, I didn't notice this comment before now. I'm not a cover-hog, but I do snore a little (Willow will tell you; I've already slept with her)!

    ~ Hath

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