The Fictionistas took a Beading today...

... no, I didn't spell that wrong. Swear to Richie I didn't.


We visited this great create your own jewelry place called "Studio JBI". Look at the picture... when we passed the sign, for a second, we saw "Studio JBJ". THAT would have been a totally different kind of studio, I guess.

In any event, we went inside the "funky jewelry" side first, and poked around before getting down to it. There were beads on every flat surface, whether it be horizontal or vertical. Glittery beads, matte beads, gunmetal beads, flashy beads, big'uns and little'uns.


There were even beads that cost nearly $25 for a single bead! We skipped those.

Everyone made something to commemorate our weekend.

Queenie made a keychain. It has a baby blue bead (for Jon's shirt) a purple bead (for Richie) and a peace sign. Very cool.

Fiction Mistress made a keychain too. It spells out "Jovi Girl" and has a cluster of danglies on the end, including a corkscrew and guitar. The beads are a lovely blue color, and the photo doesn't do it justice.

PhotobucketTara made a dangly to hang from her rear-view mirror (can I interject here that we are so glad that she brought her Santa Fe? Otherwise we'd all be smooshed into the Jovi 'Stang, or taking two cars to go places...THANKS, TARA!) The beads spell out "Fan Fictionistas" and has a cluster of charms on the end, including a guitar, entwined hearts, and peace sign.

Willow also made a dangly for her rearview, spelling out "Jovi's Willow" in silver beads interspersed with blue. Her cluster of charms inclues a feather (for good luck), a guitar, and a peace sign.

PhotobucketAnd me? I made a Richie bracelet. It has beads that spell out "Bon Jovi" and "Richie". The spacer beads are purple (of course), and the dangling charms include two guitars (sheesh, I sense a musical theme here lol), a star, cross, peace sign, and heart. I absolutely love it, and if Mr. Hath gives me shit over it, I'm gonna tell him to go to hell.

PhotobucketHere is a group shot of the day's efforts. We had a fantastic time, and Andy, the girl who worked with us, was fantastic. I'm wearing my bracelet now, and can't stop rubbing my finger across the "Richie" beads. Maybe it works like voodoo, and he's popping a tent right about now. I certainly hope so ;)

We went out for a fantastic dinner afterwards --- Willow is blogging about that. Be prepared to drool over our food pictures. Yeah, it was THAT good!

~ Hath

5 Response to "The Fictionistas took a Beading today..."

  1. Anonymous says:

    Consider yourself indulged, Goddess. :)

    Lovely pretties you've all made. Sounds like you all had fun making them too.


    TaraLeigh says:

    Popping a TENT?!
    OH Hath---you are such a WHORE!!

    Yes--we had a blast, even if I had to push tissue into my nose to make it stop dripping. Freakin' HELL!

    Will was nice enough to go out and get me DayQuil. (God Help These GIRLS) Andy at the shop was super sweet and HUGELY patient with us.

    *muah* Andy wherever you are...YOU ROCK!

    Very nice ladies, I love beading it's almost relaxing at the same time fun.. gorgeous trinkets there.

    LMAO Hath -- now only if we could voodoo certain things hehehe -- that's a whole other weekend I'm thinking ;)

    JBJBounce says:

    Love the beads! Who would have thought that the FF's would take the time to do beading on their weekend together.

    Ms. Tara, you're not allowed to get sick! Drink lots of OJ, take your Dayquil and while you're at it try some Alavert. It's for allergies and should dry up that nose. I know, Mama Di strikes again.

    Oh and popping a tent? I like that.... hmmm, might need to steal that phrase. LOL

    Wow ladies nice bits there.

    And Hath if they make him 'pop a tent' I want some sending over lmao.

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